Aloe Vera a very important & natural ingredient in Skincare

The cosmetic market keeps adding on new essential ingredients you need to use for a glowing skin, but we cannot forget about a natural superhero that has been used since centuries, yes, we are talking about Aloe Vera. Aloe vera is a common household cactus plant with fleshy leaves known for its skin healing properties. All of us have at least once been told to use aloe vera on our many skin foes and the fact is that it always seems to work. That is the reason for its everlasting popularity since generations. Today we run down the multiple benefits of incorporating Aloe Vera in your skincare:


It hydrates our skin and makes it look supple and fresh. The inner layer of the Aloe Vera leaf is composed of 99.5% water, which is the reason it acts an amazing moisturizer.

It soothes sunburn

The main reason we started using aloe vera was for its anti-inflammatory properties, that help the skin heal. Aloe vera is your best friend for healing sunburns and other light burns.

Magic wand for acne & blemishes

The anti-oxidants & anti-microbial properties in aloe vera can reduce acne, blemishes and bumps by a lot. Aloe vera is really helpful with acne as it does not have any side effects on skin.

Slows aging

Aging is unescapable, we all have to go through it, and that is when our skin needs the most love & care. Our skin starts to lose moisture & fine lines and wrinkles start to appear. Hyaluronic acid present in aloe vera gel helps maintain skin elasticity.

Fades dark spots

Dark spots or hyperpigmentation can appear due to many reasons, whether acne, aging or just sun exposure. Regular application of aloe vera reduces the appearance of these stubborn uninvited friends.

Aloe vera helps giving our skin much needed healing, soothing, and moisturizing properties for which it is well known. Many of us prefer scooping out the gel from the plant and applying it directly, but some of us want to avoid the hassle totally and just go for a product which gives the benefits of aloe vera. Try Crème 21’s Dry Skin Lotion to get the goodness of aloe vear along with Vitamin E, ideal for taking care of skin during winters.