7 winter skin care mistakes:

With the changing seasons, we must also make changes in our skincare routine to combat the weather. Now that winter is here, we are listing down common skin care mistakes that are an absolute NO-NO. And how you can fix them.

#1 Using Harsh Soaps

Use gentle Cream based cleansers not only for your face but your body too, during the cold winters. Using harsh soaps strip your skin off the moisture and damage the skin barrier.

#2 Skipping Sun Protection

Be it winter or summer, the sun is still there and still causing damage to your skin. Winter sun is harmful too and can give you sun spots and wrinkles. So, grad a broad-spectrum SPF 30 + and lather it on all the exposed area.

#2 Skipping Sun Protection

Be it winter or summer, the sun is still there and still causing damage to your skin. Winter sun is harmful too and can give you sun spots and wrinkles. So, grad a broad-spectrum SPF 30 + and lather it on all the exposed area.

#3 Exposing skin to harsh elements

Exposure to harsh weather can damage your skin and steal your skin’s moisture like no other. Cover your feet and hands with socks and gloves and your face with a scarf or a facial muff.

#4 Not switching your moisturizer

Harsh cold requires you to upgrade your moisturizer to a heavy-duty moisturizer. Choose a moisturizer that helps you maintain the lost lipids of your skin. Look for ingredients like Vitamin E, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil or shea to nourish your skin.

#5 Thinking Exfoliation is not for winters

We must not underestimate the importance of exfoliation, and our skin needs it all the more in winters. So go for a gentle exfoliator to suit the weather but don’t skip on exfoliation.

#6 Spraying toners with alcohol

Alcohol present in the toners can rub off your skin’s natural oil and make it extremely dry, so avoid using a toner without having a look at the ingredients list.

#7 Neglecting your lips

Winter is that time of the year, when your lips need the most love and care. Our lips our very sensitive to dry weathers and can become uncomfortable and even bleed on our worst days. Apply a lip balm to avoid chapping and cracking of lips.