5 simple tips to help treat dry skin on elbows:

Dry skin on the elbow is no stranger to most of us, sometimes there are not just dry elbows, there are ashy elbows. Elbows are one of the most neglected body parts, and the absence of oil glands in these parts, make it worse.

This article lists down a few easy fixes for reducing the dryness on the elbows :-

1) Happy Moisturizing

No matter the skin foe, moisturizer is many times the answer, beat dryness to the curb with a heavy duty moisturizer like Crème 21 Dry Skin Lotion, which not only reduces the dryness but also nourishes the skin. And don’t forget to apply moisturizer after a long day as well.

2) Reduce the bath time

Dry elbows are sometimes the result of being in water for prolonged period of time, so trying to reduce the time in shower could be beneficial. Also, the temperature of the water plays a big role, so keep it cool, and as high moisture can steal your skin’s moisture.

3) Pay attention to the material

The material of your clothes could be irritating the skin on your elbow, sometimes the dyes used can also play a villain. So be aware of the material of your clothes and opt for breathable materials like cotton, silk and linen.

4) Cover it up

The constant exposure of elbows in the chilly winters can also zap the moisture off the skin. Not only that but the constant friction can also worsen the situation. So don’t forget to cover up your elbows with a long sleeve shirt.

5) Scrub the dryness away

Exfoliators are your best friends, when it comes to dry skin. Just grab a store bought exfoliant or DIY and scrub the dead skins away. It not only removes the dead cells but also helps in regeneration of skin cells and gives you smooth skin.

Easy DIY Exfoliator – Take lemon juice in a bowl, add honey, a spoon of oatmeal and little rock salt to it and there you have it your all natural exfoliator.

Dry elbows are more common than we think, it all depends on how we make the effort to take care of them like we do for our face. If your lifestyle habits cause dry skin on elbows, or other body parts, we recommend getting a suitable lotion.